Friday, January 28, 2011

Do you have any CLASS?

Classes in all their glory, are your JOB. They are designed to be unique from each other and to give each player a unique flair to their party. Read some commonly asked questions below to get a better understanding. You can also read up on each class individually at DDOWIKI.


Question: Should I dual/triple/quadruple class?
Answer: Yes and No...
There are only 20 levels in the game and you can only choose another class at one of those levels. You gain the benefit of skills that are only open to that class such as casting spells or opening locks, but you lose your ability to specialize well. While one person may have a 10th level fighter, another may have an 8th level fighter/ 1st level rogue/ 1st level cleric. The pure fighter has invested more skill points into making him/herself a better fighter while the triple class has more options to skills but can't damage or tank as well. Some skills and feats are only available to classes that are pure and at high levels. If such a skill is intended for a 16th level fighter and you have 5 levels invested in other classes, you won't ever make it.

Question: What are the differences in a 32 point build and a 28 point build?
Answer: As you create your character, you automatically start with a 28 point build. That is how many points goes into your characters stats (STR, DEX, CON, etc). A 32 point build character can invest more points and start with higher than normal stats and therefore start with better bonuses. The 32 point build character HAS to use the customize class button to be made.

Question: Why are there 3 subclasses (class path) in each class?
Answer: Variety... plain and simple. When you go up in level, each subclass has a "path" or direction that they would go. This determines preset skills and assigned stat points. This is reserved for those who don't want to think about what kind of character they have and just play the game. Once you've played into a few characters, you will find that you will want a direct hand in choosing you're own skills, stats and spells.
Overall, subclasses are nothing more than a shortcut when going up in level. Often times, you will find you would have chosen something else for yourself. You can go to to learn more about your specific path and what DDO thinks of each.

Question: Is choosing skills outside of my class a good thing?
Answer: YES!! Though they can't be raised as fast as class skills can, choosing extra skills outside your class are always a good thing. If a fighter "senses" a trap up ahead, he will know to stop and let the rogue disarm it before he goes any further. If a cleric/ favored soul has a high enough Use Magic Device, they can then use wizard/sorcerer wands and be of greater benefit to their party. A high intelligence can make a weak tank into a valuable assett due to these extra skills.

Question: Why is my rogue so weak on DDO compared to WoW?
Answer: In real life, not everyone is created equal. DDO was made as a skills based system. It is attempting to (successfully) create a system that NEEDS skilled characters in order to complete quests. Rogues are not designed to be able to take on a giant as they are in WoW. Rogues are your trap finders/ disablers. They also unlock chests and doors.

Question: Why can't my character just solo everything like WoW?
Answer: Each class in DDO is designed with a purpose and are not "balanced" to be able to fight each other. They are "balanced" to be able to work together and complete complicated and terminal quests. I've seen a fighter get wasted by a swinging blade trap that a rogue easily dodges and dances through. Alternately, the same rogue needs the fighter to fend off the mobs that are coming his way. It's a team thing. Without a cleric or favored soul, you will need a ton of potions or wands to keep your health up. Without a bard and their spells, fights last much longer. Wizards and sorcerers are masters at crowd control and mass damage. Everyone in the game has a place in the party.

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